


A Study on Consumer Perception Images of "Made in Taiwan"


曾榮梅(Jung-Mei Tsen);顏麗汶(Li-Wen Yan)


臺灣製造 ; 隱喻抽取技術 ; 共識地圖 ; Made in Taiwan ; Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) ; Consensus Map.




32卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


1 - 22




近年,臺灣接續爆出黑心食品的醜聞,食安問題層出不窮,造成消費者對臺灣食品信心低落。因此,食安風暴是否會連帶影響消費者對臺灣製造商品的選擇與看法,是非常值得進一步探究的。基於此,本研究採用隱喻抽取技術(Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique, ZMET),即藉由視覺圖像和隱喻為媒介的訪談技術,挖取消費者對於「臺灣製造」深層的認知與想法,過程中並結合方法- 目的鏈 (Means-End Chain, MEC) 學理的操作,建立屬性(A)、結果(C)、價值(V) 的鏈結模式與建構出共識地圖(Consensus Map)。研究結果,共抽取出39個關鍵構念(Key Constructs),進一步歸納後發現,受訪者對「臺灣製造」的知覺意象涵蓋有「自有品牌」、「多元文化」、「經貿發展」、「飲食印象」和「社會情感」的五大深層構面。另外,從訪談過程中亦發現,食安事件並不影響其他非食品類的臺灣品牌選擇,反而是消費者對國家情感展露的強弱程度,會影響其對臺灣製品的評價及購買意圖,連帶對國產商品能夠外銷感到驕傲與有榮譽感,甚至有被社會與國際肯定的感受。因此,研究者建議,業者在「臺灣製造」的品牌經營上,可加強融入社會情感與在地文化,提出能與消費者的心靈產生共鳴的價值,滿足顧客精神層面的需求,以吸引消費者的支持與認同。


In recent years, contaminated food scandals have continued to be unveiled in Taiwan, causing consumers to lose confidence in domestic food due to the emergence of one food problem after another. However, whether or not the food safety storm will jointly affect consumer options and views on domestic products is very much worth further investigating. Based on this, the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) was used in this study to excavate consumers’ in-depth cognition and ideas on "Made in Taiwan" through a media interview technology of visual images and metaphors. The Means-End Chain (MEC) operating process was combined during the process to establish the link modes of attributes (A), consequences (C) and values (V) in order to construct a Consensus Map. A total of key constructs were extracted from the research findings. Further summarization has revealed that the respondents’ perception images of "Made in Taiwan" covered five aspects, including: "own brand," "multicultural," "economic and trade development," "dietary impression" and "social emotions." In addition, during the interview process, the study also found that the food safety incidents have not affected the brand options of other domestic non-food categories, but instead, the strength on national emotion shown by consumers has affected their evaluation and purchase intentions of domestic products, thereby jointly helping them to feel a sense of pride and honor about domestic goods for being able to export, and even, to an extent, for being recognized by society and internationally. Therefore, the researchers would like to suggest that while managing the "MIT" brand, industry owners can also strive to blend social sentiment and local cultures, and propose values that can generate a spiritual resonance with consumers in order to meet their needs, and attract their support and recognition.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 教育學
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