


Exploring the Effects of Online Word-of-mouth and Online Advertisement towards Mobile Community Games Usage based on TAM




科技接受模式 ; 網路口碑 ; 網路廣告 ; technology acceptance model (TAM) ; online word-of-mouth ; online advertisement




10卷4期(2018 / 12 / 01)


49 - 59




本研究以科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為基礎,以網路口碑及網路廣告為外部變數,探討其對使用者採用手機社群遊戲新科技之影響,選取LINE旅遊大亨做為研究案例。經由文獻探討,建立研究架構方程模型,並建立研究問卷。本研究回收之有效問卷為510份,採用PLS軟體進行資料分析。本研究所提出之8項假設成立,1項不成 立。不成立的假設4顯示網路廣告對認知易用性不具顯著正向影響,當廣告強制暴露程度愈高,使用者自我控制訊息處理過程的能力愈低,對廣告反應愈不佳。代表手機社群遊戲業者可善用正向網路口碑來推廣新遊戲,但在網路廣告使用上僅對認知有用性具幫助。研究所得並可提供相關手機社群遊戲業者及後續學者之參考。


This study concerns how do online word-of-mouth and online advertisement influence people to accept new technology based on the theory of technology acceptance model (TAM). This study explores the impact of positive online word-of-mouth and online advertisement towards the usage behavior of mobile community games. We selected LINE Get Rich as our study case. Through literature review, we established our structural equation model with 9 proposed hypotheses and developed our questionnaire. Totally, 510 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed by PLS software. The findings supported our 8 proposed hypotheses and rejected hypothesis 4. They show that mobile community game industry can use positive online word-of-mouth characteristics to promote new mobile games. However, online advertisement only has significant influence towards perceived usefulness instead of perceived ease of use. Finally, our study generates certain suggestions for mobile community game industry and future study.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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