


Reading Bodily Meanings of Neimen Songjan Through Historical Transformations of Taiwan's Societies




陳永祥(Yeong-Shyang Chen)


身體技術 ; 內門宋江陣 ; 社會化 ; 結構變遷 ; technology of body ; Neimen Songjan chivalry ; socialization ; social transformation




1期(2005 / 12 / 01)


39 - 54




本研究主要是在探討如何從地方民俗技藝操演所展現出各種與身體息息相關的意義中,去瞭解及體認社會結構的變遷過程,意即在檢視身體在民俗技藝中所展現出的意涵與社會結構間的對應關係。Marcel Mauss曾使用「身體技術」(technology of body)一詞來詮釋身體與社會化之間的關係;意即身體所展演出來的生活技術(例如走路的方式,餐桌上的禮儀舉止等),都是特定社會及文化對其人民教化及具體化的表徵,而其身體技藝在不同社會與文化體系中所呈現的差異性,即是社會化的差異所在。Norbert Elias也曾用身體所呈現的形象含義去分析文明化的過程,而Pierre Bourdieu更運用「habitus」一詞的概念,去區分不同社會階級人士在身體所展現出的消費習慣上之品味差異性質。 在探討宋江陣啟源及發展的文獻中,大多以明清時期農業社會抵禦外侮性質的團體陣藝活動,亦有民間宗教信仰色彩爲輔,因此身體技術在刀、槍、棍、棒、旗等器械操演上所展現的意義,即與軍事武藝、團體利益、及農業社會有關。但此陣藝發展至今,在身體技術所呈現的社會價值已脫離原有社會涵意,而轉變成觀光性質的文化創意產品、女性主義、嘉年華會、個人化的健康塑身、新舞步等境界。而此身體技術和社會/文化演變之間關係乃是本研究探討之主軸。


The purpose of this study is to explore how to analyze and understand structural transformations of Taiwan's societies and cultures within historical paradigms, through examining body-related meanings and symbols under the performances of folkloric chivalry. That is, this paper examines the interlocking relationships of socio-cultural structure and bodily meanings and symbols in the traditional folkloric art, Neimen Songjan chivalry. Marcel Mauss used the term 'technology of body', emphasizing the embodied phenomena of socio-cultural disciplines and norms within everyday bodily performances-such as walking styles, and table manners, in order to interpret the interrelationships of body and socialization. In reviewing past researches discussing about the initiation and development of Songjan chivalry, most studies related this traditional folklore to defense the outside enemies in agricultural societies, acting as group activities and involving religious characters. Therefore, the technologies of manipulating swords, guns, flags, and other martial equipment showed the implications of military, collective benefits, and agricultural society. However, up to the present time, the performative meanings of bodily technologies in Neimen Songjan chivalry have been dramatically transformed from its traditional values. Tourism-related cultural industry, neo-feminism, carnival, bodily health and beautization, and new dancing styles have become the central functions for performing songjan chivalty. Thus, to examine the transformative process is the major purpose of this paper.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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