


The Study of Awareness Survey of Neimen Song Jiang Jhen Festival Event




方信淵(Eric Shin-Yuan Fang);鄭雙慧(Amy Shuang-Huey Cheng);林裕恩(Yu-En Lin)


網路問卷 ; 宋江陣 ; 文化節慶活動 ; internet computerized questionnaire ; Song Jiang Jhen ; cultural festival




1期(2005 / 12 / 01)


73 - 89




本研究主要目的在於瞭解民眾對於高雄縣內門宋江陣活動的知覺程度與相關態度,研究工具爲研究者自編之「民眾對內門宋江陣活動知覺程度調查問卷」,內容包含填答者之人口統計變項、對宋江陣活動的知覺程度、其他地方文化節慶活動參與狀況、參與宋江陣活動的意願與需求以及對於其他相關活動的態度等。 本研究乃以網路問卷的方式進行調查,共蒐集2,001份有效問卷,並抽取其中824份問卷進行資料分析,本研究在95%的信心水準下,抽樣誤差爲3.52個百分點。 主要的研究結論如下: 一、活動訊息並未有效傳播:一般民眾普遍對於高雄縣內門宋江陣活動並無清楚的概念,對於節慶活動的舉辦,也僅有21.4%的受訪者知道高雄內門鄉每年都會舉辦宋江陣的文化節慶活動。 二、一般民眾參與文化節慶活動之比例偏低:824位受訪者中,僅有14.9%受訪者曾經有參加過內門以外其他地方的文化節慶活動;其餘85.1%之受訪者不曾參加過任何地方文化節慶活動。 三、參與活動意願不高:問到受訪者前來參加本活動的意願,表示已有計畫前來參加的,也僅有1.1%表示會前來參加,表示不會前來參加今年宋江陣活動的60.4%受訪者外,12.3%表示有可能會來,26.2%表示還沒決定。 四、電視爲一般民眾獲取資訊的主要管道:在資訊的來源上,電視、網路、報紙仍是一般大眾最主要的資訊來源,其中以電視爲主要獲取資訊管道的民眾佔85.2%、網路79.7%,報紙則是59.3%。 五、吸引民眾參與活動之主因:若排除掉不會來參加今年宋江陣活動的受訪者,在其餘的326位受訪者中,吸引他們前來參加活動的最主要原因爲「朋友相邀一起參加」,計有39.9%,其次爲「有事到附近,順道參觀」20.9%;此比例皆高於「對活動本身有興趣」的14.4%。 六、提高民眾參與意願之服務:824位受訪者中,有50.4%期望主辦單位提供「搭配周邊之旅遊行程規劃」:其次爲「提供接駁巴士」44.9%;其餘依其需求比例多寡排序分別爲「舉辦更多相關的系列活動」41.8%;「贈品、抽獎活動」38.5%;「其他」9.9%。


The purpose of this study is to analyze the awareness and attitude of people toward the Neimen Song Jiang Jhen festival event. ”Awareness Survey of Neimen Song Jiang Jhen Activities” was developed as research tool, it include the demographics, awareness to this festival, experience to visit other cultural festival, the intention and need to visit the activities and the related attitude of activities about this festival. We collected data from survey on website, and get about 200, 1 samples and selected 824 subjects by random, sampling error is about. 035 (p=.05). The main results are as follow: a. The information of this event was not spread effectively: the public don't have the clear idea of the Neimen Song Jiang Jhen festival event, only 21.4% of the interviewers know the Neimen Song Jiang Jhen festival event is held every year. b. The percentage of the public participant culture festival is low: In 824 interviewers, there are only 14.9% interviewers who had the experience to participant other culture festivals out of Neimen, the other interviewers even don't have the experience to participant any kind of culture festivals. c. The desire of the public to participant this event is not high: When we ask the interviewers their desire to participant this event, only 1.1% express they will come, but there are 12.3% express they might come, 26.2% don't make the decision yet, 60.4% express they will not come. d. The main channel for public get information is TV program: In the options which public get information, TV program (85.2%), internet (79.7%), newspapers (59.3%) are still the main channels. e. The main reason which attract people to participant this event: To exclude the interviewers who don't have the desire to come, in the 326 interviewers, the main reasons which attract them to come is ”Friend's invitation” 39.9%, ”Passing visit” 20.9%, ”Be interested in the event” 14.4%. f. The services to enhance the desire to participant: In 824 interviewers, 50.4% of them expect the organization committee can provide ”tour arrangement of the vicinities, ”shuttle bus” 44.9%, ”more related activities” 41.8%, ”Gifts, draw a lottery” 38.5%, ”the others” 9.9%.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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