This research use ”Normal University” and ”Education University” students' are research sample (N=500) in survey questionnaire. This research discuss the current and relationship between pre-service teachers' teaching beliefs and their teaching performances. After data analysis, the results found: (1) the ”self-reflection and teaching ability”, ”teaching strategy and skill”, ”individual difference and learning potential”, ”teaching content”, ”teaching decision and responsibility”, and ”profession in physical education” are six teaching beliefs factor, and ”teaching method and skill”, ”understanding student and the adapted teaching”. ”application of media and resource”, and ”assistant overall learning” are four teaching performances factor. (2) Normal University physical students general have higher teaching beliefs characteristics, however, have lower teaching beliefs in teaching activities and responsible for students' learning. (3) Different gender, teacher education and grade in demographic have significant difference in teaching beliefs and teaching performances. Male tends to be higher than female, elementary teacher education tends to be higher than high teacher education, and freshman tends to be higher than senior. (4) Teaching beliefs and teaching performances has positive relationship. The regression analysis found the six teaching beliefs factors can predict the overall teaching performances, in addition, the ”teaching strategic and the skill beliefs” factor can explain most. The prediction function which was deliberated by using the regression analysis is ”overall teaching performances =.469 X teaching strategic and skill +.146 X teaching decision and responsibility +.132 X individual difference and learning potential +1.091”
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