


A Story for Hosting an American Local Sporting Event: Greeley Cancer Tournament as the Case




李建興(Chien-Shing Lee);王建興(Chien-Hsin Wang)


網球 ; 運動賽會 ; 運動文化 ; tennis ; sporting event ; sports culture




4期(2007 / 06 / 01)


59 - 76




美國頂尖網球運動選手及主辦重大賽事之表現,長年以來執世界網壇牛耳,令人不禁對美國網球運動發展成功之道產生好奇。本文跳脫傳統巨觀的頂尖選手或整體運動制度面的探討,採取微觀的地方性個案進行田野研究,發掘美國網球運動的基層發展,期能作爲深化臺灣運動發展的參考借鏡。研究方法爲敘事研究,屬於質性研究的一種,兼採多元三角檢定,敘說分析美國Greeley市所舉辦癌症慈善網球賽始末,以活動發展沿革、組織人力、活動籌辦、比賽過程、贊助行銷、活動省思等不同面向進行研究。 本研究發現:透過賽會的舉辦,該籌辦委員會成功地將Greeley癌症慈善網球賽會與網球運動從事者、社區居民、政府單位、贊助廠商、傳播媒體等不同角色之人們緊密結合。透過網球這項運動媒介,本活動所探討之不同面向與角色人物間,彼此之間建立良性循環的鏈結,奠定該網球賽會持續發展的基礎。換言之,該網球賽會活動與Greeley市民的生活文化已形成相當程度的緊密結合。


Due to the outstanding performance of the American tennis players and the remarkable success of mega sporting events held in the United States, people are curious about their successful factors. In order to develop a model for the Taiwan society to reform its sports development, this research engaged in fieldworks to investigate the development of American grassroots tennis from the micro-perspectives. The traditional macro-perspectives, such as the holistic system for the society and its top players, were not adopted in this study. Narrative inquiry, one of the qualitative methods, was employed to present the whole story about the Greeley Cancer Tournament. Triangulation was applied to verify the trustworthiness and dependability of the findings. The main sections in this study included a brief introduction of the tournament, human resources in the organizing committee, event logistics, competition matters, sponsorship and marketing, and reflections of the tournament. Our findings revealed that the organizing committee successfully integrated the tennis players, community residents, government unites, event sponsors, and press media into a community-based and event-oriented entity. Utilizing tennis event as a medium, the core components identified in this study constitute positive connections among event participants and the related parties, which in turn strengthen the foundation of the tournament. Indeed, the tournament is highly connected with Greeley's culture and deeply rooted in its residents' life.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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