


A Study on Mei-Nong Visitors' Perception of Destination Image and Their Perceived Leisure Benefits




黃世明(Shih-Ming Huang);黃語瑄(Yu-Shiuan Huang);林怡君(Yi-Chun Lin);林敬銘(Ching-Ming Lin)


美濃 ; 目的地意象 ; 休閒效益 ; Mei-Nong ; destination image ; leisure benefits




7期(2008 / 12 / 01)


137 - 154




本研究旨在探討遊客對美濃地區之目的地意象與休閒效益知覺。在考量各項因素後,選定美濃客家文物館廣場、美濃民俗村、中正湖、鍾理和紀念館等知名景點爲問卷發放地點,且以在這些地區從事旅遊活動的現地遊客爲研究對象。總計發放450份問卷,有效問卷爲402份,回收率約爲95%。研究結果發現如下: 1.遊客的「目的地意象」認知以「美濃地區當地可以品嚐客家美食」的同意度最高。 2.遊客對休閒效益的認知以「可以與同伴們聯絡感情」的同意度最高。 3.美濃地區不同人口統計變項之遊客對目的地意象與休閒效益知覺有顯著差異;例如「高中職以下」者於「教育效益」,及「環境景觀特色」和「設施與服務」之意象,皆較「研究所以上」者的同意程度高。 4.美濃地區不同遊憩特性之遊客對目的地意象與休閒效益知覺有顯著差異;例如對客家文化「感興趣」者的同意程度皆較感覺「普通」者高。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the visitors' perception of destination image and their perceived leisure benefits in Mei-Nong. Based on the findings, this research provides some suggestions for the government agency and the operator. The questionnaire was designed based on the previous literature and consideration of present environmental circumstance. The image of a destination is defined by its ”Environment landscape”, ”Activity chance”, ”Facilities and service” and ”History humanities”. Three leisure benefits are included ”Psychological benefits”, ”social benefits” and ”Educational benefits”. The data collection was by questionnaire to survey the visitors in Mei-Nong. The number of effective questionnaires was 402. The results are as follows: 1. Most Respodents were agreed on the item ”They can get taste Hakka delicacies” for the destination image. 2. Most respondents were agreed on the item ”They can get closer with the companions” for the leisure benefits. 3. Respondents with different demographic and travel characteristics have significantly different evaluation upon destination image factors. 4. Respondents with different demographic and travel characteristics have significantly different evaluation upon leisure benefits factors.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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