This study is a Spinalcerebellar Ataxia (SCA) patient's life story. The participant is a patient who has had SCA for forty-three years. The researchers used the depth interview, the text collection, and observation to explore the SCA patient's life from the disease initiation, his physical and mental process during the time, and to his self-body awareness and the meaning of turning point in his life after he chose to put into exercise training. Gruber and Wallace's evolutionary systems as a research case study are used to be the framework in this study. According to McAdams's interview outline, the researchers tried to construct the whole picture of the participant's sports life: his hard difficult childhood memories, the incidence of cerebellar atrophy, the process of exercise rehabilitation efforts, the rise and fall of his indomitable fighting spirit, the company of other Spinalcerebellar Ataxia patients, and acceptance of fate in his swimming life. The results showed that through this life story, the researchers could first understand, in depth, the meaning of the exercise experience before and after the incidence of the disease to the participant. Further, they could clarify the question about the social situation of sports participation of the Spinocerebellar Ataxia patients. Last, they could present the voices of disadvantaged groups. Although this study only described the experience of an individual's life, it is looking forward to providing a unique life of the Spinocerebellar Ataxia patient who could get beyond his physical and mental barriers and developed his swimming life.
奮鬥,〈全哥的痞客邦PIXNET〉,< http://pet2003.pixnet.net/blog >,2011.03.15 檢索。
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