


A Study on Conflict Points of the Labor and Capital Parties for NBA Lockout: Taking the Year 2011 as an Example




徐錦禹(Jin-Yu Hsu);許光麃(Kuang-Piao Hsu)


封館 ; 馬克思主義 ; 衝突理論 ; the Lockout ; Maxism ; conflict theories




18期(2014 / 06 / 01)


117 - 135






National Basketball Association (NBA) is a commercial sport which gains profits by basketball fans' support and consumption. In 2011, it was suspended for the conflict of interest occurred between the labor and capital parties. This study discusses the conflict factors between the NBA labor and capital parties from the perspective of conflict theory and explores conflict causes and viewpoints and finally illustrates the solutions. This study collected related data from books, magazines and network and summarized four factors, namely, class, power, resource and interest for analysis. The findings are listed as follows: 1. The capitalist class exploits and oppresses the proletariat to result in conflict. The inequality of power between the dominator and the dominated resulted in power struggle. The higher and lower classes are in a strained relation for limited resources. Rewards and efforts are unbalanced which results in interest conflict. 2. The conflict between NBA labor and capital parties starts from that the trust pushed the loss risk to the players while the trust in power made deliberate deal of the players. As they have the control of the players, they limited their exposure rate so that the capital party could cut down interests of the players by different articles. The conflict point lies in that the compress of capital party can boycott the labor party by the Labor Union and laws. Besides, the uneven articles and policies of the NBA trust resulted in the players’ appeal to the court. Hence, these players who have no support from the teams could only go abroad to play basketball and perform to maintain their exposure rate. The interest allocation mechanism of the capital party make the labor party become the victim. 3. In order to avoid lawsuit, the NBA trust softened their attitude. The members of both parties initiated to compromise. Proper resource allocation can make both parties win the maximum interests. In addition, the financial and fans loss make both parties consider making an agreement on interest allocation proportion and group salary mechanism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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