


Transition and Significance of the Olympic Symbol




江欣惇(Hsin-Tun Chiang);許光麃(Kuang-Piao Hsu);蔣任翔(Ren-Shiang Jiang)


奧林匹克運動會 ; 奧林匹克標誌 ; Olympic Games ; Olympic symbol




25期(2017 / 12 / 01)


1 - 19




每四年一次的現代奧林匹克運動會,是最吸引世人關注的賽事活動,奧運會賽事期間及奧林匹克活動皆是媒體注視的焦點;奧林匹克五環標誌已然成為奧運會舉世聞名符號象徵的代表,它對世人的影響力十分巨大。本文首先以「標誌」起源、演變過程及代表意義為理論基礎與方法;其次,探索奧林匹克五環標誌的神話傳說,考察古柏坦(Pierre de Coubertin)設計奧林匹克五環的歷史緣由,分析奧運五環標誌原始意義、標誌的變動及當今標誌的意義;最後,檢視各贊助商商品與奧運標誌之間連結的歷史背景,並瞭解奧運五環標誌這受到國際認可符號的真實意義,及各贊助企業如何將其產品理念與奧林匹克運動會相連結。藉由本文探討奧林匹克五環標誌文化意義的轉變過程,並反思現今奧運五環標誌在奧林匹克憲章中的意義,是否會受到商業化介入,而由主角變成配角。


While the quadrennial modern Olympic Summer and Winter Games became one of the most attractive sport events, Olympic Games and its related activities has been the focus of the mass media. The world-famous Olympic symbol, five interlocking rings therefore has an enormous influence over the world. Through historical research approach and document analysis, this study focused on the origin of the Olympic rings, and the trajectory of the significance for this symbol. Furthermore this study explores the true significance of Olympic rings identified internationally and its context of the commercial purpose for the sponsors to illustrate how the sponsors correlate their products and ideals with the Olympic Games. In this shorthand version account of reviewing the transformation process of the cultural significance of the Olympic rings logo, we could reach a reflection that 'From the aspect of Olympic charter, will the commercial intervention turn the significance about the modern Olympic rings logo from a protagonist to a supporting role?'

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 體育學
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