


Chinese Medicine Treatment of Aphthous Stomatitis: A Case Report




王朝慶(Chao-Ching Wang);林在裕(Tsai-YuLin)


再發性鵝口瘡 ; 脾胃積熱 ; 養陰潤燥 ; 清熱解毒 ; Recuttent Aphthous stomatitis ; Spleen and stomach accamulated heat ; Nourish Yin and moisten dryness ; clear heatand resolve toxin




20卷2期(2015 / 08 / 30)


41 - 47




本案例是一位32 歲男性患者,擔任軟體工程師。於101 年11 月應酬飲酒後,隔日發現右側面頰內側口腔局部黏膜破損,已數月未愈。同年12 月至醫院檢查,被診斷為再發性鵝口瘡(Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, RAS),未作處置,隨後自行痊癒。102 年農曆新年期間飲用烈酒,左右面頰內側口腔黏膜均發生破損,伴隨強烈疼痛感,經久未愈,於102 年4 月10 日來本科求診。中醫辨證認為其屬陰虛有火、脾胃積熱之口瘡,採養陰潤燥、清熱解毒治則,各階段逐步調整處方。中醫藥治療至今,局部口瘡疼痛改善,牙齦浮腫、口乾、口臭等諸伴隨症狀亦隨之消減。此為發揮中醫藥辨證論治之優勢,標本兼治,治療慢性口瘡之有效案例。


This is a thirty two years old male patient who work as a software engineer. After he drank lots of alcoholic drinks with his colleague in Nov, 2012, he found that there were mucous lesions in his left side of mouth on the next morning. Those mucosal lesions were very painful and didn’t heal on their own, so he decided to ask for medical treatment. The doctor diagnosed his mucosal lesions as Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis and gave him no treatment. In the Chinese New Year of 2013 he drank lots of alcohol drinks, his mucosal lesions became very bad this time and went to our hospital for help on 10, Apr, 2013. We found out that he was an imbalanced condition of his yin-yang. We decided to use the traditional Chinese herbal medicine to balance the yin-yang and heal the mucosal lesions. After the treatment, his mucosal lesions were healed and no longer painful, and the accompanying problems all got better, such as bad breath, swelling gum, dry mouth…etc. This is a successful case of treating recurrent aphthous stomatitis by Chinese medicine.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 中醫藥學
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