


A Study of Factors that Influence Users to Download Advertising App


楊美雪(Mei-Hsueh Yang);陳盈如(Yin-Ju Chen)


下載意願 ; 整合型科技接受模式 ; 廣告型行動應用程式 ; download intention ; UTAUT ; advertising app




20期(2015 / 03 / 01)


30 - 53






Advertising app has been gradually becoming a bridge between businesses and consumers. There are more and more companies wanting to attract more people to download their advertising app. Therefore, this paper aims at understanding the factors that influence public to download advertising app. This study is based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT), and integrates perceived playfulness and perceived risk into research framework. Studies have shown that social influence factor of UTAUT do not affect the intention of using app; therefore, this study removes this factor in the research framework. The results show that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived playfulness and perceived risk positively impact on download intention. Also, gender significantly moderates the effect of facilitating conditions and perceived playfulness on download intention, experience significantly moderates the effect of performance expectancy. Time significantly moderates the effect of perceived risk. Finally, type significantly moderates the effect of performance expectancy and effort expectancy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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