


The Interference Effect of the Involvement with Product on Brand Alliance to Perceived Value and Purchase Intention: Culture and Creative Industry as an Example


羅文坤(Wen-Kuen Lo);鍾宜珈(Yi-Jia Chung);羅雁紅(Yen-Hung Lo)


品牌聯盟 ; 產品涉入 ; 知覺價值 ; 購買意願 ; 文化創意產業 ; brand alliance ; involvement with products ; perceived value ; purchase intention ; cultural creative industries




20期(2015 / 03 / 01)


54 - 85






In this study, the effect of brand alliance between cultural and creative industries on consumers' perceived value and purchase intention was investigated. And the interference effect of involvement with products was also examined. A 2(high/low involvement with products) x2(before/after brand alliance) experiment was constructed. To understand the effect of brand alliance, we compare the control group (before brand alliance) and the experimental group (affter brand alliance), and discuss the differences between two groups. The total of 600 samples are requested to fill in a questionnaire with perceived value and purchase intention items after they read one of scenario contexts of brand alliance. The results indicate that brand alliance, not only have positive effect on consumers' perceived value, but also affect the purchase intention through the mediating variable of perceived value. And the interference effect of brand alliance with products involvement on perceived value is significant. It shows that the high involvement with products do play an important role to interpret the brand alliance positively in order to enhance the perceived value.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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