
以熱情與堅持勇往直前的廣告策略家:聖洋科技股份有限公司執行長 黃逸甫


The Passionate and Determined Advertising Strategist: Yves Huang X cacaFly Int'l Media Co.


蔡沐玲(Tsal Mu Line)


cacaFly聖洋科技 ; 全方位數位行銷 ; 數位媒體代理商 ; 廣告策略 ; cacaFly ; Digital Arketing ; Digital Media Agency ; Advertising Strategy




28期(2023 / 03 / 01)


17 - 28




出生於教師世家的黃逸甫從小受到父母嚴格教育影響,大學時期順從父母期盼選擇台灣大學國貿系,在大三那年某次機遇下選修廣告相關課程,老師的教學方式及高分鼓勵啟發了他對廣告的熱忱,跨入廣告領域至今已三十多年。他身為勇往直前的策略家,在面對生活、職場時總是無所畏懼,時刻堅定自己理想、朝向既定目標前進,另外擅長策略的他,也帶領團隊成為行業常勝軍。黃逸甫在廣告領域服務多年,貴人的多次提攜讓他的生命充滿正能量,他也將這份能量回饋給廣告圈,積極參與廣告公共事務,促進產業間的發展。多重身份的他在忙碌之餘也會放慢腳步,用心感受生活中的樂趣,擁有許多興趣的他,生活十分多元精彩,他更喜歡透過攝影將旅行中的種種瞬間紀錄下來,從不設限自我。也許人生道路總是有很多挑戰等著我們面對,但黃逸甫秉持學無止境的態度面對生活,在職涯過程中花了十年時間完成博士學位,面對未知領域從不畏縮,選擇正面迎戰,秉持虔誠、熱情的心,堅持做自己喜愛的事,他也期許即將初入職場的學子們,You have nothing to lose,做就對了。


Born into a family of teachers, Yves Huang was deeply influenced by his parents' strict education from a young age. In college, he followed his parents' expectations and chose to study International Trade at National Taiwan University. However, a chance encounter during his junior year in a course on advertising sparked a passion in him, and he has been in the advertising field for over 30 years now. As a fearless strategist, Yves Huang always faces challenges in his life and career with courage and never loses sight of his goals. Additionally, his strategic skills have made him a leader and a strong team player in his industry. Yves Huang has been in the advertising field for many years, and has received much mentorship, which has filled his life with positivity. He also actively participates in public affairs for the advertising industry, promoting its growth. Despite his busy schedule, he still makes time to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. He has many hobbies, such as photography, and likes to document the moments of his travels, never setting any limits for himself. Perhaps life's path always has many challenges waiting for us, but Yves Huang faces them with a mindset of continuous learning. He even took ten years to complete a doctorate during his career. He never shrinks away from unknown challenges, and chooses to face them head-on with a devout and passionate heart. He persistently does what he loves, and he hopes that this message will inspire young people just starting their careers: "You have nothing to lose, just do what feels right."

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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