
以堅持信念創造價值的廣告經營者:ADK聯旭國際股份有限公司集團營運長 林詠絮


Advertising Practitioners Creating Value through Persistent Belief: Barbie Lin, ADK Taiwan Group Chief Operating Officer


柯瀚茹(Ke Han-Ru);陳宛靚(Chen Wan-Ching)


廣告代理商 ; 廣告代理經營人 ; 廣告公會 ; 永續經營 ; Advertising Agency ; Advertising Operation ; Advertising Association ; Sustainable Operation




29期(2024 / 03 / 01)


17 - 33




在廣告領域擁有三十年以上經歷的林詠絮,作為公司的領導人,她堅持著「好的事情,只要每天反覆的做,做久了變成習慣,它就會有龐大的結果」的信念,除了重視工作中每一步的積累之外,也認為在公司管理層面,講求紀律非常重要。自律的她以身作則,期許同仁們也能做到自我管理,充分展露出卓越的領導風範,同樣致力於將所有員工培養成廣告產業中閃耀的明星,她也深信,每天微小行動的累積都能化為寶貴經驗,並且使她在未來擁有將「有限化為無限」的能力。在她埋首工作之餘,也活躍在各個廣告公會,引領廣告產業遵守ESG(Environmental, Social, and Governance),倡導企業思考如何去保護未來的社會環境,不僅希望讓所有廣告人感受到這個環境的人情味,也期盼能讓產業持續繁榮。在廣告行業的這段旅程中,林詠絮投注了大量時間為公共事務奉獻心力,面對變化不斷的廣告媒體環境,她抱持著「做中學」的心態,保持自己在產業中的競爭力,持續在廣告產業中創造屬於自己的價值。


Barbie Lin, a leader with over thirty years of experience in advertising, maintains that "Doing good things every day, turning them into habits, will yield tremendous results." In addition to valuing the accumulation of each step in her professional journey, she deems discipline crucial in company management. Leading by example with self-discipline, she expects colleagues to achieve self-management, showcase outstanding leadership qualities, and actively contribute to developing all employees into shining stars in the advertising industry. She firmly believes that the daily accumulation of small actions can translate into valuable experiences, endowing her with the ability to turn the "limited into the infinite." Along with her dedication to work, Barbie Lin is also active in various advertising associations, guiding the industry to adhere to ESG principles. In advocating for corporate contemplation on how to protect the future social environment, Barbie Lin aims not only to instill a sense of warmth in all advertising professionals but also to envision the continuous prosperity of the industry. Throughout her journey in the advertising industry, Barbie Lin has also significantly contributed to public affairs. Confronting the ever-changing landscape of advertising media with a "learning by doing" mindset, she maintains her competitiveness in the industry and consistently enhances her value within the advertising field.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學