


A Study on the Process of Adjustment of the Abused Adolescents to Receive Foster Care




黃錦敦(Chin-Tun Huang);卓紋君(Wen-Chun Cho)


受虐少年 ; 寄養安置 ; 適應 ; abused adolescents ; foster care ; adaptation ; foster family




28卷1期(2006 / 08 / 01)


51 - 72






This present study aims to explore how the abused adolescents adapt in the foster families in pre-, mid-, and post-stages. Five subjects were interviewed and their transcripts were analysed. As a result of ”categorical-content” of the narrative analysis, our findings were shown as follows: First, the difficulties they face during the process of fostering included separation from original family and peers, environmental shift, adaptation in the foster family and new school, the inability to fulfill their psychical need, issues of returning back to their original family, lack of resource or estrangement, re-encountering their past negative experience, lack of belongingness, unfulfilled independent need. Second, the factors that help their adaptation to fostering were: understanding the foster family, the foster care meeting their needs, feeling a positive experience, support from their peers, material resources being offered, clear instruction, assistance from their relatives, further support from foster family, a hope and mission for future and so on. Third, These abused adolescents used cognitive and behavioral strategies to adapt their living in foster families where as: 1. cognitive strategies included positive interpretation, comparative strategy, self-reproach and introspection, forgetting, rational thinking, focus on single pressure, self-encouragement and self-consolation, the behavioral strategies included the accommodation, a pursuit of assistance resources, endurance and repression, being isolating, attention-shifting, a social skills, requesting to move to change a new environment, self-injury, and so on. Further discussion and suggestions were addressed for the consultants and the foster institutes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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