


The Development of the Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Inventory for Junior High School Students




陳志恆(Chi-Heng Chen);林清文(Ching-Wen Lin)


自我調整學習策略 ; 國中學生自我調整學習策略量表 ; self-regulated learning strategies ; the Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Inventory for Junior High School Students




30卷2期(2008 / 11 / 01)


1 - 36




本研究旨在編製適合國中學生使用的自我調整學習策略評量工具,研究結果摘要如下: 一、以自我調整學習的六個領域與四個階段爲量表評量架構,包括六個組合量表與24個分量表,共計114題。 二、量表信度:除了任務控制和時間初始準備兩分量表外,各分量表具有良好的內部一致性;亦具有中等程度以上的隔週測量穩定性。 三、量表效度:(一)以國中生學習與讀書策略量表爲效標時,全量表、認知、動機/情感、時間、求助資源等領域組合量表皆具有良好的效標關聯效度。以學業成就指標爲效標時,除了任務和時間領域組合量表外,其餘各分量表均具有中等程度的效標關聯效度;(二)以結構方程模式統計方法分析所得的量表修正模式能得到實徵資料的支持,唯任務控制分量表存在著些微測量誤差;(三)全量表與各組合量表內均具有理想的內部一致性。 四、國中學生的自我調整學習策略:(一)國中學生自我調整學習策略的整體使用情形仍待加強;最常使用認知與動機/情感領域的自我調整學習策略,而時間與任務領域的使用程度最低;(二)國中學生在初始準備階段的自我調整學習策略使用情形均優於監測、控制和反應與反映等階段;(三)低年級國中學生自我調整學習策略的使用程度優於高年級;(四)國中女生的自我調整學習策略使用程度優於國中男生。 依據上述研究結果,本研究針對量表編製後續研究以及國中階段的課業學習輔導等方面提出建議。


The purpose of the study is to develop an inventory of self-regulated learning strategies for junior high school students. There are 817 participants and the reliability and validity of the strategies used by junior high school students are investigates. The main findings are as follows: 1. The Self-Regulated Learning Strategy Inventory (SRLSI) is composed of 24 sub-scales and 114 items focusing on four stages of self-regulated learning in cognition, motivation/affect, task, environment, time, and help seeking areas. 2. The internal consistency reliability of the sub-scales is between .65 with .94, and the retest reliability is moderate. 3. The criterion-related validity of the sub-scales in the SRLSI and the Learning Strategy Inventory is between. 51 with. 82. However, its criterion-related validity with academic performance is medium. 4. The frame of the SRLSI is supported by the empirical data through the analysis of the structural equation modeling. 5. There is significant internal consistency in the validity of the SRLSI between the sub-scales. 6. The participants are not used to adopting self-regulated learning strategies in their learning. In terms of the strategy use, the most adopted strategies are cognition and motivation/affect, while the least adopted strategies are time and tasks. As for the stages, there are more uses of the strategies like forethought, planning and activation in the initial stage than in monitoring, control, reaction and reflection stages. There are also significant variations reflected in grade and gender differences. Implications more uses of these results, suggestions for the practice of self-regulated learning strategies and future research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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