


Analysis of the Changing Process of Parent-Child Interaction in Counseling Sessions




鄭如安(Ju-An Chen);藍菊梅(Chu-Mei Lan)


親子互動 ; 諮商 ; 改變歷程 ; Parent-Child Interaction ; Counseling Sessions ; Changing Process




31卷1期(2009 / 05 / 01)


55 - 80




本研究目的是探討親子互動遊戲治療歷程中親子互動的轉變情形。研究對象爲有身體虐待情事、單親且低收入戶的母子,研究者引用Jernberg(1989, 1993)所提出結構性、參與性、撫育性和挑戰性等四個具體的親子互動向度,設計一系列的親子互動遊戲介入,並將親子互動遊戲介入後的親子互動過程,視爲本研究的重要事件,予以錄影及轉譯成逐字稿後進行分析。資料分析採樣版式的分析方法。研究結果顯示:運用親子互動四向度可以協助諮商師概念化親子互動關係;以親子互動四向度進行評估時的注意事項宜再進一步探討;親子互動遊戲初期會自然呈現親子衝突的現況;親子互動遊戲介入的過程,遠比遊戲本身的內容來得重要,親子間彼此會透過互動遊戲去調整自己最需要調整的地方;親子互動遊戲有助於兒童建構新的正向安全依附經驗;專門設計給親方回饋的單元極具實務價值。


This research aims to explore the changing process of parent-child interaction in counseling sessions. The subject is a physically abused child from a low income family. Based on Jernberg (1989, 1993), a set of play with four dimensions, structure, engagement, nurture, and challenges, was designed for the parent-child interaction. A feedback session was added to help the child’s mother process the play interaction. Data of significant events from the parent-child play intervention was recorded using video. The data was translated into texts and template analysis was applied. The results showed that the four dimension of parent-child interaction are useful to counselors for conceptualizing parent-child relationships. For example, existing parent-child conflicts are spontaneously expressed in the initial sessions. We view the process of the parent-child interaction as more important than the content of the play therapy per se. Through the interactive play, both the parent and child make necessary adjustments in their interactions, enabling the child to build new experiences of safe attachment. The feedback sessions of the counseling is very valuable.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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