


Four Strophes about Limbs Disability Women's Warm-up Process Experience in the Psychodrama Group




王文欽(Wen-Chin Wang);賴念華(Nien-Hwa Lai)


女性肢體障礙者 ; 暖身 ; 心理劇 ; 敘說分析 ; Physically disabled female ; warm-up ; psychodrama ; narrative analysis




33卷2期(2011 / 11 / 01)


1 - 31




本研究旨在了解女性肢體障礙者參與心理劇團體的暖身經驗及需求。以結構式訪談法,訪問四位女性肢體障礙者,再以敘說分析(discource analysis)法分析訪談資料。研究發問一:「心理劇是否適合肢體障礙者?多少行動程度的暖身是肢障者可以接受的?」基於四位研究參與者的經驗,有一位受惠於狹義的暖身活動,其他三位則在廣義的暖身活動中得到助益。作者認為,心理劇導演能正視肢障者的限制,考量肢障者的空間使用權與無障礙環境,設計符合成員身體需求之暖身活動,暖身材質與動作大小設計適當,即可引導出參與者的探索需求。研究發問二:「心理劇導演如何在肢障者團體內,帶領暖身且能達到暖身的效果?」本研究發現,讓研究參與者在團體達到暖身的四位導演,其作法為:(一)敏覺女性障礙成員需求,適時回應,並能高層次同理對話。(二)讓女性障礙成員自由選擇參與暖身活動需要的技巧行動程度。(三)針對細火慢熬型的主角,導演與成員建立良好的同盟關係後,在團體處遇期,適度運用專家的權力邀請成員發言,幫助女性障礙成員走上舞台。本研究發現,四位研究參與者的心理劇團體暖身經驗均處於廣義暖身的脈絡,為一個不斷循環進行、相互影響的歷程。


This research focused on the experiences and needs of physically disabled female participants during the warm-up stage in psychodrama groups. By conducting structured interviews with four female participants the authors collected data for discourse analysis. In the 1st research theme, we asked if psychodrama is suitable for people with physical disability and what much physical activity is deemed acceptable for them during warm-up. Based on the experiences of the four interviewees, one felt beneficial from narrowly defined warm-up activities, whereas the other three felt they only benefited from broadly defined warm-ups. The authors suggest that a psychodrama director could well lead the participants to explore their needs if he/she may appropriately take into account of the physical limitations experienced by participants and design in response appropriate physical activities with suitable materials and movements. In the 1st research theme, we asked how a director could lead effective warm-ups for group members with disability. Our results show that the four directors who helped our interviewees positive feelings about warm-ups had done the following: (1) Being highly aware of their needs and responding timely with a high level of sympathy in their conversations; (2) allowing the participants to freely choose their desired level of activities or skills involved; (3) forming alliance with members, especially who are slow to warm up, and appropriately exercise their sense of authority to get them express opinions during intervention, which helped them to feel involved or go on stage. In summary, the present study found that all four interviewees experienced warm-up activities in a broadly defined manner and were in a circling process that gave feedback on itself.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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