


Flip-Flops Fetishism: Identity of A Female Designer




潘佩蒂(Pei-Ti Pan);王思峰(Sy-Feng Wang);蔡淑梨(Su-Lee Tsai)


認同 ; 認同敘說 ; 敘事認同 ; 企業諮商 ; 生涯 ; Identity ; Narrative Identity ; Identity Narrative ; Workplace Counseling ; Career




34卷2期(2012 / 11 / 01)


1 - 22






Since the end of twentieth century, identity has not only become an important academic issue, but also a human need in the late modern age. Moreover, organizational studies have revealed the challenge of this need. ”Narrative Identity” refers to the cognitive structure of identity in a narrative form, while ”Identity Narrative” means the use of narration to construct self-identity. In this study, a female fashion designer used identity narrative to reconstruct her narrative identity. Supported by relevant social mechanisms, she applied mental resources such as conscious and subconscious, rationality and intuition, and cognition and affect to de-structure and re-structure the social-cultural boxes in which her selfhood is embedded. Her past, current and future selves were integrated through the symbol of ”Flip-Flops Fetishism”, which acts as the mediator and converter between tradition and modern. Her new identity not only preserves the self that is derived from her loving family, it also shows her developing style and competence as a designer. Therefore such an identity narrative simultaneously fulfills both individual and organizational need. Based on the case, four discourses were offered as reference for workplace counselors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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