


Hope Theory in Counseling New Single Immigrant Mother A Case Study


謝麗紅(Lih-Horng Hsieh)


希望理論 ; 單親女性新移民 ; 個別諮商 ; 個案研究 ; Hope Theory ; new single-parent immigrants ; individual counseling ; case study




36卷1期(2014 / 05 / 01)


65 - 85






This study explored the use of hope theory in counseling new single-parent immigrants. The individual counseling focused on life-adaptation issues encountered by new single-parent immigrants, including personal adjustment, parent-child relations and social relationships following divorce. To determine the effects of counseling, case study was used to collect data where in addition to administering pre- and post session questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews were conducted after the 8 sessions of individual counseling. Results showed that clients with marital tension, and undergoing divorce proceeding and child custody suit sought counseling to help cope with marital crisis, children issues, lack of resources, and problem-solving. Counseling issues centered on marital status, adapting to life, and parenting after separation and divorce, and clients felt that discussions were consistent with their needs, felt supported and comforted, learned to assume mothering role and conflict resolution, and learned to share their experiences with others. In addition, clients also became more optimistic about the future, able to recognize personal positive qualities, became more self-confident in asserting their rights, and actively sought resources. In terms of resources, results showed that after counseling, reliance on family for resources became less frequent and resources from friends, colleagues, and welfare agencies increased. In terms of life adaptation, scores in personal adjustment, parent-child relations and social interpersonal relationships improved after counseling. In conclusion, the use of hope theory may facilitate and enhance client adaptation to a single-parent life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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