This study is a questionnaire survey of university students to determine the prevalence of destructive relationships among students, the relationship between destructive personalitiesand self-esteem and personality traits, and the predictive connection between self-esteem, personality traits, and destructive personalities. Measurement tools used in this study included the "Harmed Emotional Event Scale," "Harmful Emotional Event Scale," "Lai's Personality Test," and "Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale." The collected data were processed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis, and discriminant analysis. A total of 407 valid samples were collected, of which 21.2% were male respondents, and 78.9% were female. The research concluded that: (1) destructive emotional events may be categorized into direct harm, harm by ignoring, and indirect harm, and harmful emotional events may be classified as direct harm, harm by ignoring, and indirect harm. The most frequent occurrences in both types of events is harm by ignoring; (2) perpetrators of destructive emotional scored lower that average in self-esteem; victims scored higher than average in neuroticism, anxiety, and depression; and individuals who are both perpetrator and victim scored lower than average in self-esteem, but higher in inferiority complex, neuroticism, anxiety, and depression; (3) the more university students are aware of harmful emotional events, the more they experience inferiority complex, neuroticism, anxiety, and depression; the more university students are aware of harmful emotional events they inflicted on others, the more they experience depression; however, there is no positive correlation among destructive emotional events in university students, harmful emotional events, and social extroversion, and (4) the linear composite scores obtained from the two groups of discriminant functions can effectively differentiate the roles of emotionally hurtful events experienced by students, among which self-esteem and depression showed greater structural coefficient. Based on the findings, recommendations are made for educators and researchers in related fields.
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