Supervisory relationships are characterized by power disparities. Power is granted to supervisors through their roles as gatekeepers. Although it may provoke supervisees' anxiety, a supervisor's power can be constructively demonstrated through offering direction, knowledge and support to supervisees. In cultures characterized as collective, such as Taiwan, the power issue in supervisory relationships remains unrecognized because hierarchy and power differentials in master-apprentice relationships are expected and taken for granted. This study, as part of a large, funded research project, aimed to investigate supervisor use of power from the perspectives of both supervisors and supervisees in Taiwan. The Rahim Leader Power Inventory based on French and Raven's (1959) concept of the five types of social power (e.g., expert, referent, legitimate, coercive, and reward) was employed. The subjects consisted of 210 practicum and internship supervisees and 161 faculty and field-placement supervisors from 15 graduate counseling psychology programs and internship sites accredited by the Taiwan Guidance and Counseling Association. The results showed: (1) Compared to supervisor perception, supervisees perceived that both faculty and field placement supervisors used more expert and legitimate power and less coercive and reward power, and both faculty and field placement supervisors perceived themselves as using more coercive and reward power and less expert and legitimate power;(2) Faculty supervisors perceived themselves as using more reward power than field supervisors, particularly with field interns, while field supervisors perceived themselves as using reward power for both practicum and intern supervisees; and (3) Compared to intern supervisees, practicum supervisees perceived their supervisors as exerting more reward power. Implications for supervision and future research are provided.
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