


The Influence of Parental Drug Addiction and Child Abuse on the Individuation of Offspring: A Case Study of a Woman of Early Adulthood


鄭青玫(Cheng Ching Mei)


親代藥物成癮 ; 兒童虐待 ; 個體化 ; parental drug addiction ; child abuse ; individuation




40卷2期(2018 / 11 / 01)


25 - 56






The purpose of this study is to understand how the individuation of a female is affected by drug-addicted parents and child abuse. Narrative interview approach is used in this study. The findings are as follows: 1. There are two development routes of child abuse: i. Imbalance of authority and responsibility in the marital relationship derived from the offspring witnessing marital violence, drug-addicted fathers absent from the duty of parenting, and offspring becoming emotional spouse for their parents. In addition, the offspring became scapegoats of child abuse after refusing mother's invitation to an alliance. Worse yet, the offspring witnessed the grandparents abused when grandparent attempted to stop mother's abused child. ii. Parental drug abuse directly led to different kinds of child abuses which include child care negligence and child abuse taken place in period of drug use relapse. Also, offspring got abused after suspecting parents using drug again. The structure of child abuse is deeply rooted in Chinese culture - filial piety. 2. Parental drug addiction is in conflict with internalization schema of a normal parent of offspring. The sense of helpless, abnormality and shame of offspring have a negative impact on the individuation process. 3. For the victims of child abuse, their first reaction to child abuse was being afraid and to shun the perpetrators. Afterward, hatred, anger, and resistance started to grow over time. As a result of filial piety, the offspring, during the process, felt stuck and experienced the emotional vicissitude. As the process of individuation never stops, the offspring had built up more resilience when they reached to the early stage of adulthood. The offspring will continue to cope with the contradiction and conflict with her parents. According to the findings, suggestions are made to serve as future researches regarding drug addiction family, the child abuse practice, and the training of practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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