The unconventional intimate/sex arrangements such as non-monogamous relationships (NMR) have come to emerge in modern Taiwanese society. Although NMR has become less of "taboo" and "unspeakable" over the years, a vast majority of people in Taiwanese society, which is dominated by heterosexism and monogamy values, still believe that any intimate relationships other than conventional one-to-one monogamy are "wrong," "sinful," "promiscuous," and "immoral," regardless of any extradyadic sexual negotiation/ agreement made by both (or all) partners. The goal of this study was to stand in the mutual position and to have public attitudes toward any kinds of extradyadic intimate relationships collected such as NMR and conventional infidelity. Furthermore, the study broke down extra-dyadic relationships into "extradyadic sexual relationship" and "extradyadic emotional relationship," and tried to examine whether attitudes toward these two forms of extradyadic relationship differ in background variables (which were gender, sexual orientation, dating experience, and relationship identity). 919 unmarried participants, aged 18 to 35, were sampled to analyze and collect the data with an aid of using self-edited NMR attitude scale. The questionnaire was posted on PTT, an online platform in Taiwan before two pilot studies were conducted and corrected. Processed by one-way multivariate analysis, the findings can be summarized as follows: 1. Men's attitudes toward sexually and emotionally extra-dyadic relationships are more open than those of women. 2. Homosexual participants' attitudes toward both sexual and emotional extradyadic relationships are more open than those of heterosexual participants'. 3. Participants without dating experiences were more open than participants with dating experiences regarding emotionally extradyadic relationships. 4. Relationship identity contributes to significant difference between participants' attitudes toward emotional and sexual relationships. The study is an exploratory research of public attitude toward NMR, and the results can serve as references for future studies.
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