


The Attitude toward the Sexuality of Elderly: Scale Development


鄭雯璞(Wen-Pu Cheng);洪鈺傑(Yu-Chieh Hung);吳俊逸(Chun-Yi Wu);杜品秀(Pin-Siou Du);林祐歆(Yu-Hsin Lin)


年長者 ; 年齡歧視 ; 性態度 ; 量表編製 ; 結構方程模式 ; ageism ; attitude toward sexuality ; development of instrument ; elderly ; structural equation modeling (SEM)




42卷2期(2020 / 11 / 01)


1 - 30




本研究目的在於發展「對年長者性態度量表」(The Scale for Attitude toward Sexuality of Elderly,SASE)。預試共發放222份問卷,刪除測謊題未過之樣本,共198位有效樣本進行項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析,正式施測共發放370份紙本與網路問卷,刪除測謊題未過,已填過預試問卷以及年齡不確定者,剩餘321位有效樣本進行驗證性因素分析以及相關背景變項之探討。分析結果顯示三因素結構之測量模式適配度良好,量表包含三個面向:「文化」、「制度」與「個人」,共26題自陳式題目。分析結果顯示內部一致性信度、建構效度等相關指標皆良好。此外,根據區別效度分析結果顯示,「對年長者性態度」應被視為與「對年長者普遍態度」、「普遍性態度」不同之獨立構念。本研究結果顯示,「對年長者性態度量表」為具有良好信、效度的三面向測量工具,可用來評量一般大眾對於年長者性的態度,也可作為助人工作者或照護者自我檢核的工具。


This study aims at developing the scale of attitude toward sexuality of the elderly. Item analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and confirmatory analysis were conducted to analyze the pretest samples of 222 participants. The final survey of 370 participants was then analyzed by confirmatory analysis. The finding of this study suggests that the scale is a good-fitting model. A 26-item assessment, consisting of three subscales, including cultural, institutional, and personal dimension, is eventually constructed. In addition, the discriminant validity was examined. The result indicates that the attitude toward sexuality of the elderly should be considered to be a theoretically independent concept. Based on the above analysis, the scale of attitude toward elderly sexuality is a three-scale instrument with good reliability and validity. This instrument could be utilized to measure the general public's attitude toward the sexuality of the elderly, and be served as a useful tool for helping professionals to self-examine their attitudes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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