


A Survey of the Ethical Attitudes and Ethical Behaviors of Non-sexual Dual Relationships of Counselors in Mainland China


田廣曉(Guang-Xiao Tian);王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang);楊淳斐(Chun-Feei Yang);陳增堂(Zeng-Tang Chen);劉純姣(Chun-Jiao Liu);徐凱文(Kai-Wen Xu);安芹(Qin An);張勻銘(Yun-Ming Chang)


非性雙重關係 ; 倫理行為 ; 倫理態度 ; 華人文化 ; 諮商師 ; Chinese culture ; counselor ; ethical attitude ; ethical behavior ; non-sexual dual relationship




42卷2期(2020 / 11 / 01)


31 - 62






This study aims to investigate the current status of attitudes and behaviors of counselors in mainland China on the ethical issues of non-sexual dual relationships. The study was designed and implemented using a two-stage quality-quantity integration of interpretive mixed-methods. After a statistical analysis through a quantitative questionnaire survey, it was further analyzed using focus groups and individual written interviews to discuss the duality of non-sexuality among the counselors in mainland China. The relationship between ethical attitude and ethical behavior. In the first phase of quantitative research, counselors in major cities in mainland China were recruited as the survey subjects. Through the online questionnaire survey, 279 valid questionnaires were obtained by intentional sampling. Afterwards, SPSS 19^(th) version of statistical software was used for descriptive statistics along with tests and statistical programs such as ANOVA for data analysis; in the second phase of qualitative research, six experts from Mainland China and Taiwan with substantial experience in consultative ethics research and counseling practice were invited to conduct focus group interviews and individual written interviews in order to carry out in-depth discussion and analysis of the preliminary analysis results of the first phase of the quantitative survey. Thus, the qualitative interview data obtained were then processed by content analysis method and the final result analysis of this study was completed. Results: (1) Ethical attitudes related to the living habits and polite customs of Chinese culture have generally reached consensus on 6 ethical issues; (2) There are 8 high-frequency ethical behaviors, which are in the field with the counselors: the particularity of the field, the system of the field, the context of multiple roles, the development of the Internet, and the Chinese culture and lifestyle habits; (3) Ethical attitudes and ethical behavior are generally consistent, but there are still a large gap between attitudes and behaviors on eight issues of double relations. This conflict results from whether counselors in the context of Chinese culture could accept ethical norms made by Western culture. Finally, the researchers explain the research limitations and propose follow-up research recommendations that can use representative samples to conduct longitudinal research and cross-cultural research, and should continue to receive ethical education for counselors. The code and license regulations should be revised for practical application suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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