


The Research of an ADHD Returnee's Self-Exploration and Growth Experience in Anxin Transition School




高思明(Sz-Ming Gou)


中介教育 ; 心理社會發展 ; 中輟 ; 多元介入 ; 注意力不足過動症 ; ADHD ; alternative education ; dropout ; multimodal intervention ; psychosocial development




43卷3期(2021 / 11 / 01)


41 - 69




本研究旨在探討兼具注意力不足過動症(attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD)與中輟復學生身分的阿佑,國三階段如何透過安置機構的協助逐漸改善ADHD症狀並提升心理社會發展,為了解其成長因素與歷程,研究者透過半結構式訪談和檔案文件進行質性研究,參與者有阿佑、三位師長和一位阿佑的好友。分析發現:(1)安置機構提供之協助有照顧保護、接納寬恕、亦師亦友的陪伴、耐心楷模、對話啟發,及多元試探與學習;(2)其中照顧保護、接納寬恕、亦師亦友的陪伴和耐心楷模可建立關懷信任的關係,此外照顧保護也可減少阿佑行為偏差的機會,耐心楷模有助其自我探索並減緩衝動,而對話啟發可促進自我覺察和問題解決技能,多元試探與學習有助於拓展潛能和視野以及自我探索;(3)阿佑該期間之成長因素除上述六項協助外,亦包括心智增長與體制改變兩項因素;(4)安置期間阿佑除情緒控制、問題解決等外顯行為獲得改善外,在同理心、自我覺察等內在成熟度上亦有成長。根據以上結果,本研究對協助ADHD青少年進行相關討論並提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to examine how Ayo, an ADHD returnee student, gradually improved his ADHD symptoms and psychosocial development through the assistance of residential care in his third grade of middle school. To identify the factors and process, the researcher conducts qualitative research through semi-structured interviews and documents. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, the assistance of residential care includes care and protection, acceptance and forgiveness, friend-like teachers' company, patience modeling, dialogue and illumination, and various exploration and learning approaches. Secondly, care, protection, acceptance, forgiveness, friend-like teachers' company and patience modeling are conducive to building a relationship of care and trust for Ayo. Besides, care and protection can diminish Ayo's behavioral deviation. The patience modeling promotes Ayo's self-exploration and emotional control. The teachers' dialogues and illumination facilitate Ayo's self-awareness and develop his problem-solving skills. Moreover, various exploration learning approaches are favorable to Ayo's potential, vision and self-exploration. Thirdly, in addition to the abovementioned six factors, incremental improvement in his mental function and the institutional change are the other two contributing factors for Ayo's growth. Lastly, during placement, Ayo's improvement includes explicit aspects, such as outer emotional control and behavior, and implicit aspects, like inner empathy and self-awareness. Based on the above results, relevant discussions on the assistance of ADHD teenagers are conducted and the following suggestions are offered in this study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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