


Relationship between Sports Improvement Faith and Sports Involvement Orientation for Collegial Students




劉季諺(Jih-Yann Liou);潘義祥(Yi-Hsiang Pan);王明月(Ming-Yueh Wang);許吉越(Chi-Yueh Hsu);蔡鵑如(Chuan-Ju Tsai)


制控信念 ; 情意涉入 ; locus of control ; affective involvement




14期(2011 / 06 / 01)


15 - 27






The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between sports improvement faith and involvement orientation for collegial students. This study sampled 1648 students (male=894, female=754) from 18 public and private colleges in Taiwan. According to the study's purpose, all collected data were analyzed by canonical correlation analysis. The results indicated that there existed significant correlation between collegial students' sports improvement faith and involvement orientation, and two significant canonical factors were extracted by the canonical correlation analysis. The first canonical factor indicated that those who believe” sports performance could be improved through sport training” has strong relation with sport involvement. The second canonical factor showed that those who believe ”sport performance determined with talent condition” could has weak relation with the sense of belonging to the sport.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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