


Compare College Students' Watching Motivation for and Identification With Cpbl and Mlb in Central Taiwan


高立學(Li-Shiue Gau)


觀賞動機 ; 球隊認同 ; 球員認同 ; 中華職棒 ; 美國職棒 ; Watching motivation ; team identification ; player identification ; CPBL ; MLB




18期(2013 / 06 / 01)


29 - 50




本研究主要目的在比較臺灣觀眾觀賞中華職棒和美國職棒,有關觀賞動機、球隊認同和球員認同及之間關係的差異。採用問卷調查,問卷內容主要包括娛樂、自尊、社會、知識動機、球隊認同和球員認同。資料收集主要針對中部地區,有實際觀賞過中華或美國職棒的大學生進行問卷發放,回收400份,男性佔79.8%(319 人)。結果顯示觀賞中華職棒動機及球隊認同顯著高於觀賞美國職棒,但對於美國職棒的球員認同顯著高於觀賞中華職棒(p<.05)。在觀賞動機類型方面,對於觀賞美國職棒,有較高比例的人選擇自尊為主要觀賞動機(67.54%);而對於觀賞中華職棒,有較高比例的人選擇社會動機為主要觀賞動機(51.14%)。有關動機和認同的關係,觀賞中華職棒,會以觀賞動機為主,產生球隊認同,最後才有球員認同;對於美國職棒,則以臺灣選手的球員認同開始,誘發觀賞動機,同時形成對選手所屬球隊的認同,並再進一步培養出觀賞的動機。


This study attempted to compare the motives for watching the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and Major League Baseball (MLB), spectators' team identification and player identification in CPBL and MLB. A survey questionnaire was used, including measures of motives for entertainment, self-esteem, sociability, and knowledge, and team identification and player identification. Questionnaires were distributed in the central Taiwan to college students who had experiences in watching CPBL and MLB. In total, 400 were collected with 79.8% (319) males. The results showed that motivation to watch CPBL and the team identification in CPBL were significantly higher than MLB, but player identification in MLB was significantly higher than that in CPBL (p < .05). A higher percentage of people chose self-esteem (67.54%) as the major motive to watch MLB, whereas a higher percentage of people watching CPBL chose sociability (51.14%) as the major motive. As for the relationship between motivation and identification, watching motivation may lead to team identification and further form player identification in CPBL; however, in MLB, player identification with players from Taiwan may go first and then lead to team identification and watching motivation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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