


The Research of SCUBA Diving Leisure-Fit


林秉毅(Ping-I Lin);鍾政偉(Zheng-Wei Zhong);李明倫(Ming-Lun Li)


休閒潛水 ; 休閒契合度 ; 休閒滿意 ; 心流體驗 ; 幸福感 ; recreational SCUBA diving ; leisure fit ; leisure satisfaction ; flow experience ; well-being




29期(2018 / 12 / 01)


15 - 42




緒論:臺灣地理環境處於世界第二大洋流「黑潮」經過地屬海島型國家,海洋資源豐富其優越條件適合發展水域遊憩活動,其中水肺潛水活動為近期成長最快速的休閒活動,且帶有大量的觀光效益產值。過往研究也指出,潛水能滿足參與者的個體需求,或能提供潛水者愉悅的遊憩體驗(李海清、陳冠仰、黃文雄、戴有德,2012)。而Bryan(2000)以知識、技巧、經驗與裝備來評定休閒參與者之能力,此四項指標與SSI國際休閒水肺潛水課程之訓練核心四大理念相同。因此,本研究將休閒水肺潛水與休閒契合度(leisure fit)之概念相互結合,探討休閒契合度模型對休閒水肺潛水因果連結關係與強弱程度。方法:本研究使用休閒契合度問卷作為研究工具,抽樣對象為具有休閒水肺潛水初階證照以上潛水員,回收278份有效樣本後使用AMOS線性結構方程式檢驗休閒契合度模型。結果:1.供給-需求契合度模型對休閒滿意、心流體驗、幸福感有正向影響。2.能力-要求契合度對休閒滿意、心流體驗、幸福感無正向影響。結論:本研究將研究對象擴展為較高涉入性休閒潛水活動當中,顯示休閒潛水活動部分適合休閒契合度概念,但休閒潛水活動卻也無法使能力-要求契合度對休閒滿意、心流體驗、幸福感有正向影響,能力-要求契合度使用四項衡量指標(知識、技巧、經驗、裝備)測量參與者之能力,雖能夠依四項指標來得知參與者能力,但高涉入活動(休閒潛水)建議需設明確程度之目標。


Introduction: Taiwan possesses a preferable geographic location where world's second largest current, Kuroshio, flowing by and is an island state. Its rich marine resources are particularly suitable for developing water recreation activities. However, with the imposition of martial law, the entire coastlines were closed for decades and limited the development of water recreation activities. Especially, scuba diving activities are the fastest growing leisure activities in the recent tears, and creating large of tourism benefits. Therefore, this study describes in detail Taiwan's leisure scuba diving development history, the scope of leisure diving system and scuba diving researches in recent 5 years to present the full context for the leisure diving in Taiwan. The concepts for leisure scuba diving and leisure fit models are integrated to explore the appropriateness of leisure fit models towards leisure diving. Methods: This study utilizes leisure fit questionnaire as research method. Participants of this study were the divers with certificates of elementary leisure scuba diving. Total 278 valid questionnaires were collected. The obtained data were processed with SPSS for descriptive statistics and differential analyses. In addition, the leisure fit models were examined with AMOS linear structure equations. Results: 1. scuba diving participants have different feeling for leisure fit, leisure satisfaction, flow experience and well-being areas in different backgrounds. 2. supplies-needs leisure fit models shows positive influences on leisure satisfaction, flow experience and well-being. Conclusion: abilities-requirements fit models leads no positive effects on leisure satisfaction, flow experience and well-being. Our findings could be considered as useful reference for the related sectors.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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