
The Influences of Team Success, Star Player, and Brand Association on Purchase Intention: The Case of Satellite Fans




林民育(Min-Yun Lin);陳琬蓁(Wan-Chen Chen);馬上鈞(Shang-Chun Ma)


Team Success ; Star Player ; Brand Association ; Purchase Intention ; 隊伍成功 ; 明星球員 ; 品牌聯想 ; 購買意圖




29期(2018 / 12 / 01)


53 - 78




Purpose: This study aims to examine the relationships between team success, star player, brand association and merchandise sales among satellite fans. Methods: Data were collected from 493 satellite fans via an online survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: (1) Team success negatively impacted brand mark and commitment, but positively impacted social interaction, team history, and purchase intention. (2) Star player positively impacted brand mark, social interaction, commitment, and purchase intention. (3) Team history mediated the relationship between team success and purchase intention, while social interaction and commitment mediated the relationship between star player and purchase intention. Conclusion: These findings could help professional sports teams better understand how to capitalize on branding opportunities across geographic boundaries.



主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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