This study was to explore the frequencies and times of gymnastic curriculum in physical and education curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education among Taiwanese teacher education universities. Furthermore, this research was to analyze teachers' concepts on designing gymnastic curriculum. The subjects included six elementary school teacher education universities and nine high school teacher education universities in Taiwan. This study mainly collected quantitative data by the method of content analysis to analyze the mentioned frequencies and times of the content of gymnastic curriculum in Taiwanese teacher education universities among physical and education curriculum guidelines of 12-year National Education which could be divided into three categories: learning stage, project content and moving pattern. Besides, semi-structure interview was applied as a supplementary method to receive qualitative data. The results were: (a) Learning stages among elementary school teacher education universities in order were Learning stage Ⅲ (52.31%), Learning stage I (18.15%) and Learning stage Ⅱ(15.66%); among project content, Floor Exercise was highest (41.53%), Horizontal Bar was medium (17.61%), Parallel Bars was least (15.61%); among moving patterns, Support was highest (26.95%), rotational (14.89%) was medium and roll was least (11.35%). (b) Learning stages among high school teacher education universities in order were Learning stage Ⅲ(46.36%), Learning stage Ⅴ (16.09%) and Learning stage Ⅱ(14.94%); among project content, Floor Exercise was highest (48.58%), and Horizontal Bar was least (13.12%); moving patterns in order were Support (25.27%), Others (16.85%) and Roll (15.38%). (c) The gymnastics curriculum in teacher education universities were mainly designed with the concept, "step by step" and modified the learning stage based on students' abilities. Major project contents included Floor exercise and Horizontal Bar. As for moving pattern, the design concepts of curriculum were teaching step by step and applying games to accumulate success. The results included: elementary school teacher education universities coincided with learning stage on physical and education curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education; as for, high school teacher education universities followed partly. Among project content, both of elementary school teacher education universities and high school teacher education universities focused on Floor and Horizontal Bar. Moreover, the major moving patterns was basic moving patterns for both of elementary school teacher education universities and high school teacher education universities. However, high school teacher education universities emphasized more on the complete set of movements. Therefore, elementary school teacher education universities corresponded with physical and education curriculum guidelines of 12-year Basic Education more than high school teacher education universities did.