The fall rate of hospitalized pediatric patients is the highest among all accidents in Pediatric ward, resulting in tremendous stress for pediatric patients, their families and nursing professionals. This project aims to reduce the fall incidence of preschool pediatric patients during hospitalization. After data collection and analysis, causes for fall include non-conforming environment and equipment to safety design, insufficient cognition and altemess for fall prevention of family members, unwareness of the peak of falling and no provision of precautions, insufficiency of instruction, lack of appraisal and follow-up regarding the effectiveness off all prevention of family members. Improvement strategies were implemented to reduce fall incidence. The barrier free floor was built in the playroom. The logo for fall prevention was designed and pediatric wheelchairs were specially designed for safety with terms of use according to different ages. Warning signs for fall were made. Instruction was revised and group education was conducted. Preschool pediatric patients at high risk of fall were screened and guided to enter the playroom. Fall prevention was included in nursing care plans. After implementation, the fall incidence of preschool pediatric patients during hospitalization was reduced from 0.13% to 0.04%.
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