Patients with an obstructed or an infected biliary tract are easily susceptible to biliary disease. This condition must be treated timely using a catheter to avoid life-threatening complications. Such treatment can help the patient to maintain smooth flow of the bile, there avoid septic shock that endangers the health and safety of the patient. Therefore, the catheter must be placed in the biliary tract on time for treating this disease. Recently, we have been observing a high slippage rate of biliary tract drainage catheter In our ward, which not only endangers the safety of the patient's health but also prolongs the treatment time. Therefore, a team was formed to improve this condition, which identified the following problems: that needs improvement in the fixing methods, differences existed in drainage catheter, the drainage catheter could be pulled out easily, there was a lack of a standard process for uniform fixing of the drainage catheter, and there was a lack of an audit system. When the team had analyzed and established the problem, few measures were proposed, which included simplifying the drainage catheter fixation procedure, unifying the drainage catheter fixation dressing, implementing the use of pins to fix the pipeline, revising the drainage catheter care procedure, and checking the implementation of the pipeline care effectiveness regularly. After implementing these administrative protocols, the drainage catheter slippage rate decreased from 3.6% to 0.5%, the purpose of this project has been achieved.
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醫策會(2015 ) 台灣病人安全通報系統2015年TPR年報。取自 http://www.patientsafety.mohw.gov.tw/Content/Downloads/List01.aspx?SitelD=1&MmmID=621273303702500244