Extensive burn is a kind of severe trauma and it threatens life. At early stage, it requires constructive medical treatment to maintain life. Subsequently, there will be long-term rehabilitation and significant challenge in the process. This study describes the nursing experience with one patient of scald burns in Dust Explosion Incident at Formosa Fun Coast Water Parks. The patient had partial-thickness and three-degree scald burns on the body and TBSA was high as 61%. The case experienced the crisis of life and physical pains and the fear was permanent. Thus, during the nursing process from August 10 to October 9, 2015, the author collected data by overall evaluation and validated the case's nursing problem below: acute pain, physical activity dysfunction and potential dangerous traumatic disorder. The author applied Watson's Caring Theory often cares and treated human concern as the core of nursing service. This study combined perspectives of three philosophers Levinas, Logstrup, and Rumi and practiced the concept in nursing. The author established nursing plan regarding the problems and provided individual nursing measures. The case experienced Dust Explosion Incident at Formosa Fun Coast Water Park, changed from severe pain of wounds at acute period, negative emotion to acceptance of the appearance with positive and optimistic attitude. In the process, the case witnessed and learned the toughness of life. The author grew with the case and intended to share this caring experience as the reference of clinical care.
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衛生福利部中央健康保險署(2016).八仙粉塵暴燃事件發生週年,醫療照護情形說明.取自http:// www.nhi.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=FC05EB85 BD57C709&sms=587F1A3D9A03E2AD&s=ED8E 36DA878A4076