This article is to describe the nursing care experience for a 14 year-old teenage girl who underwent radical right nephrectomy due to horseshoe kidney complicated with renal atrophy. The period of nursing care was from June 30th to July 9th 2016. The authors collected data through observation, interview, listening, physical examination, and analysis with Gordon's Functional Health Patterns. The result showed that the patient's health problems are as follows: anxiety, acute pain and disturbed body image. The authors collaborated with other allied health professions to hold illness explanation events during the nursing care period. Through using I-Pad and surgical images to explain surgical procedure, the developing adolescence's anxiety from the sense of losing control in the hospital was effectively reduced; well bounded patient-nurse relationship was established when gentle care and encouragement were provided. By listening the patient's favorite music, comfortable positioning and deep breathing techniques, acute pain was relieved; nevertheless, due to patient's age, facing such a major operation not only caused psychological but also physical stress. Patient worried about her body image change post operatively and subsequent prognosis, thus the authors guided and assisted patient to talk and relieve stress with techniques of listening, showing acceptance, giving positive encouragement and power from peers to gain well acclimated behavior. Patient went home after receiving great surgical treatment and holistic nursing implementation; she has overcome the disease impact with courage. Finally, the authors hope this article can build a good practice for later caregiver to improve their learning experience.
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