This report describes the nursing experience of caring for a terminally ill patient diagnosed with pancreatic cancer for the first time. The caring period was from February 24, 2020, to March 10, 2020. Gordon's 11-functional health patterns assessment tools were used to converse with and listen to the patient and observe nursing tasks directly; other methods were also used to collect, analyze, and conclude data. Nursing problems included pain, hopelessness, and expecting grief. The first diagnosis of the patient indicated terminal cancer. Apart from physical pain caused by rapid disease progression and separation from his family, he had lost hope and had negative thoughts. Because of sadness, his body and mind were exhausted. During the caring period, the nurse listened and provided company to understand the needs of the patient and therefore, established a good nursing relationship with the patient, guiding him to courageously face the disease's progression with the mutual support of the family, seek inner comfort of the self, and accept changes brought about by the disease; the final journey is to experience a peaceful death in the body and mind. It is suggested that clinical medical staff should participate more in spiritual assessment and care-related courses, strengthen their grief-counseling skills, and help patients and family members get through the terminal stages of cancer by sharing their caring experiences.
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