This article describes the current status of a primipara learning exclusive breastfeeding and rooming-in care. The case is a primipara with placental abruption and underwent cesarean section delivery. Due to her physical recovery and lack of parenting experience, her spouse did not support exclusive breastfeeding and rooming-in care. This participant was frustrated because she wished to adopt exclusive breastfeeding and rooming-in care. The author was motivated to study the case from May 28 to June 2, 2018. Gordon´s Eleven Functional Health Patterns Assessment was performed, and the following nursing problems were found: acute pain related to surgery and postpartum physiological changes (uterine contraction and breast engorgement); improvement of readiness for breastfeeding related to basic breastfeeding knowledge and skills; anxiety related to the lack of parenting care skills and a support system, and so on. This participant was evaluated based on pain control, wound care, use of the B-R-E-A-S-T Feed breastfeeding observation scale. Instruction on the adjustment of latching and breastfeeding postures was provided. Breastfeeding dietary care in combination with TCM scraping therapy to alleviate breast engorgement was given, so the breastfeeding process became smoother. The baby was able to smoothly obtain breast milk, the most precious gift. The concept and knowledge of baby-friendliness were introduced to the parents and the operation mode of exclusive breastfeeding and rooming-in care was explained. Thus, the anxiety of family members was relieved, and their caring ability was enhanced. The B-R-E-A-S-T Feed breastfeeding observation scale is rarely used routinely in clinical care, so it is recommended to include it in the care routine. This will allow for the quick evaluation of the breastfeeding status of parents and infants and provide instant assistance, thus improving breastfeeding skills and confidence of parents as well as their willingness to breastfeed continuously.
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