This article describes a 51-year-old man who first diagnosed of esophageal cancer without psychological expectations. The patient's physical and psychological problems due to the lack of understanding of the disease treatment, the threat of death, and the worry of the family's subsequent life, etc., led to the author's motivation for writing. From March 21, 2019 to April 4, 2019, the author conducted Gorden's 11 health function assessments by reviewing medical records, physical assessments, observations, and interviews. The cases were established changes in nutritional status: less than the need of the body, anxiety, and personal coping dysfunction. Active care and accompanying cases during care, establish a therapeutic relationship of mutual trust, use acupressure to slow down the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, discuss concerns and solve problems to alleviate anxiety, record the feeding, wound dressing films and make simple the jejunostomy model allows the case and family members to understand the knowledge of jejunostomy care, and repeatedly practice the operation model to make the case care skills more proficient, thus improving the nutritional problems. The peritoneal dialysis tubing is used to fix the waist to accommodate the jejunostomy tube to increase patient comfort and improve the quality of life. It is recommended that health education videos can be made, and jejunostomy models can be made or purchased to provide exercises for patients and their families. We hope to share this nursing experience, can be used as a reference for future care of such patients.
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