This study described the experience of a 61-year-old man who received intensive care because of myasthenia gravis with respiratory failure. The nursing period was from 2018/5/7 to 2018/5/28 ,and the nurse carried out observations, conversations, listening, physical assessments in order to collect data. On applying the eleven functional health patterns as described by Marjory Gordon, it was found that the nursing assessment clarified certain nursing issues including ineffective airway clearance, Activity intolerance and anxiety, Individualized care was provided to this man, including (1) using chest physiotherapy combined with Care Bundles for Ventilator- Associated Pneumonia to improve lung expansion and early Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation;(2) instruct patient the skills of exercise such us arm elevation and lower limb lift knee to increase muscle strength and their self-confidence; (3) to establish a trusted nurse-patient relationship and employing listening skills, accompanying and empathy to help the patient; (4)using aromatherapy oil massage and music therapy that helps patients to relax; (5) assisted her in joining the patient association to promote peer relationship.The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit soon after her condition worsened,This had a substantial impact on the patient's psychological state and induced distress and anxiety. Using multi-disciplinary care model to care and plan rehabilitation training with physiotherapist, As a result, discussion and sharing of the motivation of nursing experiences with this case in order to provide more information to our profession on caring in such a situation.
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