


Care of Dementia Patients with Cognitive Deterioration




凃淑玲(Shu-Ling Tu)


失智症 ; 認知功能 ; dementia ; cognitive function




29卷3期(2022 / 09 / 01)


2 - 8






Dementia is a persistent and chronic degeneration of the brain; also, is a common cognitive disorder in the elderly. Due to memory damage, the ability to acquire new information is impaired. Accompanied by mental symptoms, it reduces the quality of life and causes burdens of caregivers. Reality orientation therapy, reminiscence therapy, exercise, ear acupuncture therapy, etc. are common non-drug treatments for dementia patients. There are 66,000 people with dementia in Taiwan in 2020, and the number is increasing. Therefore, it is important to delay the deterioration of cognitive function of people with dementia. If non-drug treatments can be conducted for cognitive training in patients with dementia, the clinical professionals can slow down the deterioration of cognitive function of patients, improve their life quality, and reduce the burden of caregivers.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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