The prevalence rate of Dementia is increasing, resulting in heavier burden of caregivers and more medical cost. Combining pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments is the main strategy to care Dementia patients, and aromatherapy is one of the non-pharmacologic interventions. Recent studies focus on the treatment effec-tiveness of behavioral symptoms, sleep and cognitive ability of Dementia patients. This study aims to explore the caring effectiveness and application of aromatherapy to patients with Dementia. Aromatherapy was provided 5 times a week, and 15 minutes per session for 4 weeks. It is found effective to improve their restlessness and sleep.The application of massage based on aromatherapy is beneficial in improving their life quality, reducing inappropriate medication, and delaying the disease progres-sion.Through the introduction of aromatherapy, the clinical professionals are able to understand the effective use of aromatherapy, provide essential information to care-givers and enhance the caring quality.
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