Background: If respirator-dependent patients in the intensive care unit transfer to respiratory care institutions can obtain complete discharge preparation services, family satisfaction will be improved. From 2016 to 2018, only 15.0% of patients who were dependent on respirators were satisfied with discharge preparation services. When respirator-dependent patients were transferred to respiratory care institutions, their family members often experienced anxiety and complaints, and the relationship between medical and illness was tense, which triggered the project motivation. Purpose: satisfaction increased from 3.2 points to 4.8 points, reaching the project goal. and the effect remained at 4.9. Methods: Plan role-playing situational teaching, use the teaching materials for health awareness of tracheotomy, establish a respirator-dependent patient temperature referral alliance, and implement an intimate treatment and education zone. Results: Satisfaction increased from 4.8 points, reaching the project goal. and the effect remained at 4.9. Conclusions: The intensive care unit provides patients with comprehensive respiratory integrated care, so that family members can feel at ease.
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