This article discussed about nursing experience of assisting a patient, who had tongue cancer history and accepted the surgery of tumor excision and flap reconstruction , to confront the change of facial appearance and function and to adjust his mood. The nursing period was from 2022/03/31 to 2022/04/14.Gordon 11 function health patterns was applied. According to the care, observation , and conversations, there were nursing issues like acute pain, change of oral mucous, anxiety, and nervous. By accompanying the patient, we built the trust in nurse-patient relationship. We enhanced the patient and his family's understanding of diseases and provided individual and holistic health care. We relieved the wound pain by adjusting therapy including medicine and non-medicine through discussing with medical team. We tough him and his wife about cleaning method for oral care and recovery of oral mucosa. We lead him up to talking about his feeling and confuse and gave him positive mental support to reduce his anxiety. Sharing Experience with other patients develop a positive attitude and accept the condition of physiological change. The patients with oral cancer will be moody due to physiological change. We suggest that giving more solicitude, listening, and empathy in care. The Pastors and medical teams support the patient to take on the challenge of mental problems and adapting to society. We shared the experiences of caring these patients as a reference.
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