


Physiological and Psychological Effects of Qigong on Electroencephalographic and the Exercise-Induced Feeling Inventory




黃英哲(Ying-Che Huang)


腦波 ; 氣功 ; 心理量表 ; EEG ; Qigong ; psychological inventory of EFI




8期(2007 / 07 / 01)


103 - 122




Aims: The purposes of current study were to examine the effects of Qigong on the frequency of θ, α and β on Electroencephalographic (EEG) and the Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory (EFI), advanced to examine the relationship between the EEG and EFI. Methods: Fifteen Qigong practitioners and fifteen novices were recruited in this study (there were thirteen Qigong practitioners samples were effective on EEG; thirteen practitioners of the control group on EEG; fourteen practitioners were effective on EFI.). Recording EEG and EFI data followed the baseline, relaxation and Qigong conditions. Comparing the θ, α, and β power and EFI subscales among the three conditions. Results: 1. Thirteen practitioners of the control group on EFI 1. there was a significant difference between the two groups on the θ power, F (1,12)=9.35, p=.01<.05, condition had main effect, F(2,26)=16.00, p=.00<.05; there was a significant difference between the two groups on the α power, F(1,12)=4.91, p=.04<.05, condition had main effect, F(2,26)=8.12, p=.00<.05; there was a significant difference between the two groups on the β power, F(1,12)=4.40, p=.04<.05, condition had main effect, F(2, 26)=30.85, p=.00<.05; 2. There was no difference between the two groups on the four subscales of EFI, the Tranquility Relaxation and Positive Emotion subscale had main effect, F (2,25)=5.63, p=.00<.05.3. Among the frequency of θ, α, and β on EEG and EFI subscales had positive relationship separately. Conclusions: This resulted demonstrated the relaxing performance of Qigong group was better than control group and the data of EFI revealed the similar tread. The EEG components had positive relation and EFI subscales had relation.


Aims: The purposes of current study were to examine the effects of Qigong on the frequency of θ, α and β on Electroencephalographic (EEG) and the Exercise-induced Feeling Inventory (EFI), advanced to examine the relationship between the EEG and EFI. Methods: Fifteen Qigong practitioners and fifteen novices were recruited in this study (there were thirteen Qigong practitioners samples were effective on EEG; thirteen practitioners of the control group on EEG; fourteen practitioners were effective on EFI.). Recording EEG and EFI data followed the baseline, relaxation and Qigong conditions. Comparing the θ, α, and β power and EFI subscales among the three conditions. Results: 1. Thirteen practitioners of the control group on EFI 1. there was a significant difference between the two groups on the θ power, F (1,12)=9.35, p=.01<.05, condition had main effect, F(2,26)=16.00, p=.00<.05; there was a significant difference between the two groups on the α power, F(1,12)=4.91, p=.04<.05, condition had main effect, F(2,26)=8.12, p=.00<.05; there was a significant difference between the two groups on the β power, F(1,12)=4.40, p=.04<.05, condition had main effect, F(2, 26)=30.85, p=.00<.05; 2. There was no difference between the two groups on the four subscales of EFI, the Tranquility Relaxation and Positive Emotion subscale had main effect, F (2,25)=5.63, p=.00<.05.3. Among the frequency of θ, α, and β on EEG and EFI subscales had positive relationship separately. Conclusions: This resulted demonstrated the relaxing performance of Qigong group was better than control group and the data of EFI revealed the similar tread. The EEG components had positive relation and EFI subscales had relation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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