


Kinetic Flow in the Tennis Flat Serve




羅國城(Kuo-Cheng Lo);五苓華(Lin-Hwa Wang)


網球 ; 平擊發球 ; 上肢 ; 角動量 ; 線動量 ; tennis ; flat serve ; upper extremity ; linear momentum ; angular momentum




8期(2007 / 07 / 01)


19 - 27






The purposes of the study were to investigate the linear and angular momentums of upper extremity segments during tennis flat serve, and to determine the power transfer sequences and rhythms of the upper extremity whiling serving. Six elite right-dominant male tennis players were tested and the three-dimensional motion analysis system, HiRES, was adopted. The results showed segment forces originated from the variation of the linear momentums of the segments of upper extremity. The variation of the angular momentums had significant influences on the momentum degrees. During the entire flat-serve process, from stretching arms to stroke the ball, the linear momentum increased rapidly and produced the instant power to make powerful serves. The variation of the rotation momentums was smaller than the linear ones and thus led to the smaller rotation effects. Furthermore, the angular momentums of the hand and the forearm were nearly zero at the instance of impact which is important to keep the racket stable and in precise direction towards the ball. The finding of the study on the flat serving can be used to analyze the different ways of tennis serving and stroke techniques among different segments.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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