


The Effect of Core Muscle Strength and Exercise Performances in Baseball Athletes after 6-weeks Swiss Ball Training




葉益銘(Yi-Ming Yeh);黃士魁(Shih-Kuei Huang);林正仰(Cheng-Yang Lin)


青少棒 ; 重量訓練 ; 跑壘速度 ; 核心肌群 ; youth baseball ; resistance training ; the speed of running around bases ; core muscle strength




16期(2009 / 12 / 01)


15 - 28




本研究之目的為結合棒球運動專項訓練測試以及核心肌群肌力測試,探討各項測驗之結果,經過六週之抗力球訓練與傳統重量訓練後,是否有所改變與差異。研究方法包含12位至少有一年以上棒球訓練之國中棒球運動員,皆無接受過抗力球相關訓練與課程,隨機均分為抗力球訓練(實驗組)、與重量訓練(控制組)各6人,進行6週、每週3次、每次60分鐘之訓練期,其中除重量訓練與抗力球訓練內容改變之外,一般專項訓練內容皆無改變,運動專項訓練測試包含擲遠、球速、跑壘速度,核心肌力測試包含腹、背肌之測試;以單因子共變數分析(ANCOVA)計算控制組與實驗組專項運動測試後測之差異,再以成對樣本t考驗(dependant t test)計算二組各項數據前、後測結果之改變,各數值以平均值±標準誤表示、顯著水準訂為α=.05;核心肌群肌力測試以(後測次數-前測次數)/前測次數之百分比公式計算,探討二組之進步百分比(%)幅度。結果顯示實驗組平均年齡為14.00±0.63歲、控制組為14.67±0.82歲,控制組身體質量指數(BMI)為21.54±2.52kg/平方公尺、實驗組為20.18±2.23kg/平方公尺,二組選手年齡、BMI與球齡皆無顯著之差異。二組選手擲遠前、後測試皆無顯著差異;投球球速前測與後測二組間皆無顯著差異,而二組後測皆比前測進步;而跑壘速度測試二組選手在所有跑壘測試結果後測皆無顯著之差異。控制組在仰臥起坐測試進步百分比為30.38%、俯臥躬身測試進步百分比為18.57%;實驗組在仰臥起坐測試進步百分比為40.89%、俯臥躬身測試進步百分比為49.06%。本研究之結論為六週抗力球訓練與重量訓練皆能有效提升棒球專項運動能力,且抗力球訓練對於跑壘測試有較佳之改善益處;核心肌群肌力亦皆有改善之效果,抗力球訓練更能大幅提升背肌之肌力。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the change and difference of baseball training field test and core muscle strength after 6-week swiss ball and traditional resistance training. There were 12 baseball athletes came from junior high school with one-year baseball training at least and averaged into swiss ball training (group S) and resistance training (group R) groups randomly. All of them didn’t have any training about swiss ball before and would join this strength training 3 times per week and 60 minutes every time at 6 weeks. Baseball training field test included the distance of throwing, speed of throwing and running around bases; core muscle strength training included bend knee sit-ups and back extension in 1 minute. ANCOVA was using to analyze the data of baseball training field post-test between two groups and dependant t test would be used to calculate all the data change of pre and post test (them showed as mean±S.D. and p<.05). The result showed the average age was 14.00±0.63 years old in group S and 14.67±0.82 years old in group R; the average BMI was 20.18±2.23 kg/m^2 in group S and 21.54±2.52 kg/m^2 in group R. Both of them were no significant difference. The distance of throwing and speed of throwing between two groups pre and post test were no significant difference. Some in the speed of running around bases improved in both two groups in post-test. The sit-ups test increased 30.38% and back extension increased 18.57% in group R; sit-ups test increased 40.89% and back extension increased 49.06% in group S. The conclusion of this study was that both swiss ball and resistance training could improve the baseball performance, especially in the speed of running around bases after swiss ball training. The core muscle strength was getting better and back muscle strength could be promoted more over.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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