


The Research of Co-ed Sports Team Members Interactive Mode




蕭智真(Chih-Chen Hsiao);周禾程(Ho-Cheng Chou)


啦啦隊 ; 團隊互動過程 ; 質性研究 ; 紮根理論 ; cheerleading squad ; intra-team interactive process ; qualitative research ; grounded theory




31期(2013 / 09 / 01)


41 - 57






In the past, most studies regarding interactions among team members were interpersonal interaction in groups, relationship between team members, or job performance related. However, big portion of the studies were for the professional information teams or for virtual teams interactive process, not for sports teams or researches in the sports team members, which were rarely explored for their interactive process or behavior. In this study, semi-structured interviews combined with field notes, focus groups, and the other data are summarized and analyzed by using the grounded theory approach and construct the multi-level concepts of co-ed sports teams (cheerleading squad) members interactive mode. One hundred and fifty-three raw data themes summed ten sub-themes and three higher-order themes form the interactive mode hierarchy diagram. Cheerleaders have high degree of goal congruence, high interaction, and combination closing to each other. When dismissing from practice situations, the degree of the interaction is different from each other because of the differences of their sex and grade in peer relationships. Subsequent analysis may be accompanied by another analysis tools for co-ed sports team differences, such as sex, age, stage of team development and team-level in sports teams. In addition, team interaction between different roles are also considerable influence on the operation of the team. As a result, this is indeed necessary for continuously researches.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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