


Influence of Psychological Capital of Taekwondo Athletes and Leadership Behavior of Coaches on the Athlete's Satisfaction




王元聖(Yuan-Sheng Wang);邱炳坤(Ping-Kun Chiu);王俊傑(Chun-Chieh Wang)


正向心理學 ; 選手滿意度 ; 同時迴歸分析 ; positive psychology ; satisfactory of athletes ; simultaneous regression analysis




33期(2014 / 03 / 01)


51 - 65






The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of psychological capital and leadership behavior of coaches on the satisfactory of athletes. Research method: Questionnaires were given to Taekwondo athletes from high schools which obtained the first 6 ranks in the overall result from the 2008, 2009, 2010 in the National High School Athletic Game. Number of effective questionnaires was 358, which was 92% of the total questionnaires collected. Questionnaire measurement tools were ”psychological capital,” ”leadership behavior of coaches” and ”athlete's satisfaction.” Quantitative data were analyzed using simultaneous regression analysis to investigate each dimension of the relevant effects. Results: 1. Psychological capital of athletes, leadership behavior of coaches, and athlete's satisfactory showed partial positive correlation; 2. The aspects in athletes satisfactory that affects psychological capital were: individual treatment, individual performance, team integration, team interaction, and support from relatives had partial effects; 3. The dimensions in athletes satisfactory that affects the leadership behavior of coaches were: individual treatment, individual performance, team integration, team interaction and support from relatives had partial effects. 4. Self-efficacy in psychological capital and the training and instruction in leadership behavior were the most important factors that affects the satisfaction of high school Taekwondo athletes. Conclusion: It was obvious that the psychological capital of high school Taekwondo athletes and leadership behavior of coaches had influence on satisfaction of athletes.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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